Monday 24 July 2017

World of Innovations

Innovation is a not just a word, it is a whole new dimension. Great innovation is the result of a marvellous idea meeting with an excellent execution which as a whole has potential to bring a revolutionary change that can boost the society towards development at a pace unimaginable or unthinkable. Innovation can be stated as an improvement over the existing technology. It can also be stated as a new product or technique meant to foster progress. From the very first day, when wheel was invented, it was a sure sign that in the centuries or millenniums to come, Earth will be a place of innovations.

Innovation is expected to bring great changes in the near future

Innovation means innovating which means improving. History of transportation is an apt example of technological innovations. Wheel was invented in 4500-3300 BC. It was followed by animal-driven wheeled vehicle. It was then followed by bicycle, motor cars and then today we have electric cars. This is just about the land transport. There had enormous number of innovations in transport sector. Innovation takes place everywhere and every time. From the field of sports to  science, from architecture to engineering, from medicine to genetics, from wheel to time travel. The one common parameter is that each of the field is innovating.

The world is seeking for a better and comfortable future. Research organisations in every country are focussing to achieve more from less effort without affecting the human race or animal/water kingdom. NASA, National Aeronautics and Space Administration, is the production house of some sophisticated innovations. Reaching to Jupiter after Mars success is a part of innovation. Innovation may come from greed(positive) to achieve more as mentioned in the above case. The love of youth, speed, is a term that can easily related to innovations. Getting more speed is part of innovation. Turbocharger and supercharger are the products of innovation. The list of field where innovations took place is very long. We are completely surrounded by elements of innovations.

We cannot neglect the fact that the world wars brought in an era of rapid innovations. Tanks, aircraft-carriers and unmanned drones were the gift of innovation in World War I. Radio navigation, penicillin, nuclear power and computers were the technological gifts from World War II. Atom bomb was result of deadly and powerful innovations. Whenever there is requirement of improvement, people have come up with innovations that would blow minds. Today, we are surrounded by innovations without which our today's life would have been very tough. Our day starts with a gift of innovation and ends with gift of innovation. Innovation is expected to bring great changes in the near future.

Automobiles, aviation, military, medicine, science, space, architecture and communication sectors are prime center for innovations. But, innovation can find its space itself. Keep Innovating.